Thursday, 5 December 2013

Green Dragon Nest Guide

Credits to:

Disclaimer : I shall not take full credits to all the guides I write here, since all I merely do is enhance the current complete Green Dragon Nest Guide from FREEDOM with current T4 environment, consider I just rewrite stuffs that me and my guildies experiencing in Green Dragon Nest.

Hello, my name is Esquevella from Westwood, and this is my first guide in Forum and I will try to bring my best to write guide to clearing Green Dragon Nest (Normal) one.

Lets start with basic stereotype of Green Dragon Nest (GDN) itself :
  • DPS Nest, you need 1k FD ++ to clear it quickly
  • End of Cleric Nest era
  • Beginning of certain Class discrimination
And the in-field fact :
  • DPS Nest, you need 1k FD ++ to clear it quickly.
Fact : Semi true, but the FD is optional, you need decent gear one insteadno neegoing overboard FD unless you aiming Speed Title or Challenging HC one at this cap. Raw damage party with +8 and +9  weaps and 600 FD will do, as long as you know the formula to clear it.
  • End of Cleric Nest era
Fact : True, tanking is optional, you can put out Paladin from your line up since there is no dire need to keep the boss attention on one person only. However, the healer slot is still important, can bring Inquisitor / Saint as the lone Cleric slot. This nest is not the same with SDN.
  • Beginning of certain class discrimination
Fact : Semi true,some class *cough, Majesty, cough* will get discriminated due to nest`s nature element, which is Dark, that bring discriminating to certain element user. Though, good party can ignore the elemental barrier as long as certain essential class are filled, this will be covered up in party composition section 

Lets start the guide, shall we?

1. FREEDOM Guide Influence
Most party I know, are still following FREEDOM`s guide/video on how to clear GDN. I will not condemn or criticize FREEDOM`s guide one, since it really helped on survival guide or knowing the GDN mechanics itself. However, the guide itself is bit outdated, as when the video is taken, it`s still at T3 era, whereas the damage output and method to clear is different with our current edition whereas T4 era already been implemented. If we blindly follow the video (e.g using Geyser/Statue), we will wasting T4 skills potential whereas most of skills are greatly boosted,

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My point here is, take the guide but dont follow it blindly, lets move on to next step.

2. Party Composition
Continue to previous part, you can actually overkill everything from stage 1 - 5 with the right party composition.Most party I know are still bring this composition : 1 Paladin, 2 Priest, and the rest are DPS without understanding to the DPS term. This party composition sure works in Sea Dragon Nest, but will yield bad result at Green Dragon Nest one (refer to GDN as "DPS" nest).

I proposing here, respecting the term of DPS, GDN as Debuffing Burst DPS Nest instead, where you combining the DPS class overall and individual debuff skill from certain class as overall party advantages with the bursting DPS for a short time to deliver devastating blow. Stack various debuff at bosses is good advantage for raids, since now Elemental resist got capped at T4, so abusing INT suffix on party member cant be done anymore, debuff, on other side, is stackable (between different class, of course, e.g you cant stack 2 Love Virus from Physician if you bring 2 Physician, but you can stack SM`s Provoking Slam and BM`s Bull Eye together). With combining debuff from various class, you can bring down the bosses in GDN in no time, lets proceed to the nest step!

Here I`ll enlist several important and essential buff and debuff as consideration for GDN ideal party setup :
  • Sword Master : Provoking Slam debuff (35% phy and magical damage to enemy during 15 secs, 40% if wear skill ring), Brave buff (damage boost for the SM), Finishing Attack, Highlander
  • Mercenary : Battle Howl (+996 point boost to both magic and phy att, +1542 if using skill ring), Howl Charge (grants SA to party), Bone Crush (+400 to each extra hit deals during 15 secs duration), Highlander
  • Force User : Beyond Time (godlike buff that reduce skills cd by 80% during 12 secs, 15 secs if using skill ring), Mirror Force (decrease 25% magic def of the monster, 30% if skill ring-ed).
  • Elemental Lord : Ice Stack (50% overall damage increase during frozen period with one layer of ice and 100% damage increase if there are two layer of ice, 10 secs duration for Blizzard and 7s for ordinary Ice Stack, can be done through various freezing skills e.g Ice Sphere, Blizzard and Glacial Wave).
  • Academic : Love Virus (Induce 18% extra magic damage dealt to enemy, 10 s duration), Wax (Speeding up run speed, helping in GDN since lots of running needed at Dragon stage), Bio Chemical Bomb ( Reducing 15% elemental resistance, and 30% crit resist, 20s duration for boss). And C*cktail for overall stat boost + CD reduction.
  • Clerics : Striking (Increase both magic and phy att by 15%, 18% if skill ring it), Cure Relic (clear debuff and increase light att and light deff), Heal (Heal Relic and Heal), Miracle Relic (Reducing both phy and magical damage by 70% + clear debuff), Holy Shield (Heal you with 40% amount of Saint`s Magic Attack amount with each hit taken, 50% if got skill-acc), Elemental Aura (Increase Fire and ice attack/defense), Armor break (Decrease 36% phy def of the target)
  • Archer : Bullseye (25% overall damage increase for 60s duration), Spirit Boost (Increase action speed and decrease CD of skills a bit for 14s duration),Rage of the Owl (Increase 20% critical chance for 180s duration), Wise of the owl (65% increase in critical for 18s duration)
3. Ideal Party Build 
Okay, after I elaborating each class advantages and contribution to raid, let me present you ideal party build for average gear player. Like I already stated before, stacking debuff properly will act as FD and overall party damage increase. So, here we go, cheap but quite powerful lone DPS party build, do take note that I`m not emphasize on gear, but more on debuff stacking like I mentioned above :

1. Crusader/Guardian : Man of the shield, even though paladin got no tier as DPS class, their true power is lies in the all mighty Divine Avatar, under the Divine Avatar, a Paladin can go burst DPS in such short time (DA+JP = Super Saiyan 3 Mode). Elemental aura very helpful to help other element user class to boost overall elemental (Fire & Ice attack) and adding elemental defense as well (Kalahan`s multi elements attack) , Armor Break helping reducing boss phy def, benefiting phy damage dealer. Note : can be replaced with other class with experienced raid party.

2.Smasher/Majesty : Key of GDN raid, Force User can use Beyond Time (or I should say : Berserk Time) to help party spamming DPS skills in short time window. Force Mirror also pretty helpful if placed properly. A must to bring in raid! Note : Essential and must bring.

3. Inquisitor/Saint : The protector of the team. Miracle Relic and various buff and heal is keeping teammate survival. Regardless of Inquisitor or Saint, both must understand their role is Support > then DPS. Since only one priest being brought in raid, Priest must prioritizing teammate safety first! Note : Essential and must bring.

4. Moonlord/Gladiator : The proud sword holder, once neglected in T3 and SDN era, now Sword Master era is begin at GDN raid, Provoking Slam debuff effect is too good to be left out, combined with proper gear and quick spammable skills, made Sword Master got role as sub DPS. Note : Essential and must bring.

5. Elestra : To be honest, compared to her fiery sister, Elestra is more preferable in raid due to her important role of keeping ice stack constantly on boss. At this cap Fire Elestra can deal almost same damage as Saleana while keeping her main role to party DPS with ice stack, must bring too! Note : Essential and must bring.

6. Tempest/Windwalker : Spirit boost is the main buff that people seek on Acrobats, combining quick CD from BT and buffed action speed due to SB = for the bursting process. Note : Very good for bursting in the later stage, exploration party can also take Acro if can timing the BT + SB combo well.

7. Barbarian/Destroyer : Various howl, SA buff, decent DPS, what else I could say? Note : Essential and must bring.

8. Physician/Shooting Star/Artillery/Sniper/Adept : Last lone true DPS slot can be filled from any of other classes, but I recommended those class, since they got their own buff and debuff for whole party. More important issue for DPS class : she must be able to cope her skills spam with BT period, due to certain classes have no skills to be spammed under BT period, which laid waste of the golden opportunity to deal huge damage during acceleration time. And from those 5 DPS I proposed, I guess Physician and Adept along with Shooting Star got upper hand in bursting DPS in short period of time, advising low budgeted raid party to pick DPS slot from those three, Artillery and Sniper mainly taken due to their Bullseye debuff that increase overall party DPS greaty.  Note : can take one of them based on your preference and available members.

I bet most of you already eager to doing raid in practical and tired reading my long wall of text.

If you feel ready to doing raid by reading this far, you-are-not.

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Shut up, sit tight, and read a bit more. (;])

4. Skills Sequence

Last but not least, after you got the dream team to killing the green fugly fat dragon, there one last things to do, lets manage your team skills spam!

If you read this far, you`ll already guessing that my method on killing in GDN is by utilizing short time window under BT to deal as much damage as you can. However, to be able doing so, you need to set up some proper preparation to do so.

Basically, all you need is spam the skills carefully before BT period, and go crazy/berserk spamming hotkeys skill button under BT state. Basically each stage battle flow will be like this :
  • Let the Elestra start the kill fest by putting ice layer on bosses, DO REDUCE THE ICE RESIST FIRST by Frost Wind or other skill that reduce the ice resist. Lessen ice resist = more froze time = more damage to be dealed. Can use Ice Sphere followed by Glacial Wave or just go straight Blizzard Storm to put 2 layers of ice instantly. During the whole stage battle, it`s essential and a must to keep at least 1 layer of ice all the time to ensure constant damage increase.
  • Rest of other class (except the priest), after see the boss is put ice layers on em, go start spam your debuffing skills (e.g Provoking Slam, Bio Chem Missile).
  • While the debuff is almost done placed, Priest cast MR near the boss, this way will make partymates automatically gather near Miracle Relic (Hawt Chicks magnet in game, I know :3), use this opportunity to cast BT to all party members since there is less chance of partymate not hit by BT if all gathered near Miracle Relic.
  • Under BT, spam skills that have quick skill animation, pretty low cd and decent damage one ( e.g Charge Bolt and Chain Lightning, Laser Cutter and Triple Orb), do experiment and plan what skills you gonna spam under the 15s period. That`s why I said several DPS class are not suitable for this Burst Debuff Method, since they got limitation on skills to spam under BT. Under BT state, you can add Spirit Boost to increase the devastating effect of Burst DPS for 15s. Other note, it`s preferable if you doing this burst DPS under Miracle Relic as you wont have to think about holding back, since the big protector relic covering the damage you`ll got under it, putting in Howling Charge before burst DPS is also good idea since your skills will have less chance getting cancelled, every secs in BT mode is precious!
  • Combining BT, SB, MR and various debuff placed before will yield overkill on boss, usually you`ll see his HP will down very fast during the 15s period of BT. And I suggesting saving ultimate skills to spam after BT period is ends, since it usually have longer casting time, and just use it as finishing moves in case the boss still alive after doing burst.
  • Important note, if you are not capable on bursting DPS and one hit kill from the start. DO NOT BURST DPS USING THIS METHOD FROM THE BEGINNING OF BATTLE, because if not timed correctly, you`ll left boss with like 1x or 0.5x bar of HP, he`ll be able using deadly final skills, while you all left out of skills that can be used. Try to experiment when to do burst DPS, in my opinion, do burst DPS when the boss`s HP reaching half or around 2.5x before do it, 80% of the time it will granted overkill and you wont need to use Geyser, Statue or Flower all through GDN stages.
The main advantages of using this burst DPS methods are :

a. Can kill the boss quickly. 
The longer you drag the battle with boss, the more you`ll suffer since all bosses have more deadly skills in their pocket as their HP got depleted.
b. Less chance of using survival methods provided in the nest, e.g Geyser, Statue and Flower.
Most death in GDN are caused by failure of using that survival methods (Fail to go up geyser, fail to hide behind statue, fail to jump into flower). This unnecessary death can be avoided.
c. Bypass nest mechanics. 
Certain bosses skills in GDN are very deadly and tend to be more feared more than the dragon itself, e.g Karahan`s black hole, Kraken`s Curse Beam and Jump. Those skills usually triggered by time trigger or HP trigger. One secret of GDN, if you can pull down his HP quickly, it will bypass the triggering of certain bosses`s skills. As example, Karahan`s Black Hole will be casted near 1x, but you can bypass the triggering of this skills by drop down his HP quickly near 1x, and he`ll cast other skill instead of fearsome Black Hole (refer to Run Video below, Stage 5). However, if your DPS slowed down or you drag the battle too long, he`ll use Black Hole immediately. This principle applied to whole nest.

5. Final Note:
This guide, is only applicable for Normal Mode one, for Hardcore mode, I would daresay at current cap (50 one) it`s almost impossible to bursting it down like normal one and to clear it, as all bosses in HC one has really friggin thick HP and almost all boss attack are OHKO already. This guide can be applied to HC one with remark that you should and must use the original survival method (geyser, statues, flowers) even at 60 cap.

I guess this is all I can share, since this post already long enough and for those TL;DR seeker, you can go straight to Point #4, feel free to add suggestion or asking question, I gonna try my best to respond/answer it, goodluck to fellow Dragon Raiders out there to conquer it. (:])

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