Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Dragon Nest SEA – Raven/Ripper PVE/PVP Guide by NoxNin/Ninjavz ; Chasing the Shadows ~ !

Hello Everyone!
Now most of you probably don’t know me, but I’m an Assassin who’s been experimenting with both Ravens and Rippers since their release here in Sea. In this guide I hope to help you decide on your builds and gear.
This is also my first try at making a guide Dx.
So let’s get right to it!
Here is the flow of the guide:
  • Raven PVE/PVP Skill Build
  • Ripper PVE/PVP Skill Build
  • Equipment Section for Both Raven & Ripper (Armor, Weapons, Accessories, Plates, Skill Jades)
  • Video Gallery of Raven and Ripper in action (Mist, Guardian, Anu Arendel Nest etc.)
Raven PVE Skill Build
Assassin Skill Tree
This would be the most efficient way to skill your Assassin branch.

Fan Of Edge: This skill is a must max, the board damage is Per Shuriken and it IS possible to get full hits, meaning all 6 stars hitting for a grand total of 2856% + 208788 damage.

Fake Log: Now some people might not like that I left it at level 2, but I really have not have a situation where a higher level was required.

Mind Conquer: This is for those who might not have enough gears to warrant level one. I personally left mine at one. Since the release of Bringers and the new nests giving out mana food and healing made mana regen not as important as before.

Everything else is as expected of a Base job tree.
Chaser Skill Tree
Next up is the Chaser tree.

Open Edge: This wonderful skill deals a ton of damage at the very short cooldown of 9 seconds. Also casts extremely quickly.This can be dropped to 11 if you decide to max get a skill ring for Rain drop.

Applause: Your bread and butter. Facing slightly to the left and right scores you a double hit that can double the Board damage. Get a Damage plate for this.

Rake: Broken damage, able to hit for full board damage on both the throw and the return. Make sure you’re using this at point blank range and wait for the rebound for maximum damage. Get a Damage plate for this.

Rain Drop: I leave this skill at level 11, since i’m using tough accessories. The burst is massive with all three charges. If you decide to max this, drop Open edge to 11 and get a skill ring for it!

Punishment: Straightforward skill that deals a ton of damage. Get a Damage plate for this.

The End: Ultimate, extremely high burst. I plated this for Damage, you may choose not to however and instead plate Crow’s Dead Fall

Fade: This skill is sometimes not taken by others, as the 35% increased damage taken intimidates them, This skill however is a massive steroid that should be maxed and abused on every cooldown. Using this then Immediately using The End will make all your kunai benefit from 35% increased P.Atk assuming the boss isn’t so far away that your Fade ends before they land.

Recieve Edge: A useful extra aerial evade. I prefer taking this.

Burning Coal: Your “Oh-****” button in case you’re caught casting something like Rake or Applause at a bad time. Level 1 will suffice.

Illusion Step: Activated by pressing space-bar as you tumble. A useful iframe extender, can be left at one.

Access Chain: Mobility skill. Leave it at 1.

Dedicate Crow: This is your party skill. It works exactly like a Dancer’s Ecstatic Dance Part 2 but in reverse; When the boss is 100% health, your entire party will get 60% increased damage. The buffed damage decreases the lower health the boss is, and stops giving extra damage completely when the boss is at 30% health.
Finally the Raven Tree, nothing special here. Umbra is left at level 1 for SP constraints.

You can choose to get a damage plate for Crows Dead Fall if you decided on not getting a plate for The End.
Raven PVP Build
Piercing Star: I have this at level 11 for the triple cast CTC, near infinite horizontal range and can stagger when you land it, follow it up with another star and you got yourself a knockdown that you can initiate on!

Fan of Edge: Decidedly less useful than in PvE, as the only time you can ever get full hits is if a Mercernary decides to stand still with Iron Skin while you stand right on top of them to cast it.

Triple Edge: A good skill to delay wake attacks, and follow up on knockdowns by Piercing star as you advance forward.

Shadow Hand: A good alternative for initiating from range, it actually has longer range than Piercing star, it has the same SA breaking capabilities as Spirit Blow from Kalis, or Circle Break from Warriors.

Evades are all maxed as per usual for a PvP build, and Mana regen for comp on and ladder.

Next up is the Chaser tree!
Open Edge: A very good skill to re-lift the opponent, as with the EX version landing it right has a knockup. Damage is pretty decent so left at level 11.

Applause: Ravens Bread and Butter, left at level 16 for the damage spike. Very good for initiations and has pretty strong SA break.

Rake: Rake is left at level 1, because the damage difference between max and level 1 is only 9% in total, so even if you shotgun it with max you won’t get much more damage difference. Even at level 1 it’s massive damage, you can shotgun it for maximum burst, or use it on a running opponent to stop them running and follow up with a Piercing Star to continue your chain.

Illusion Step: Left at level 1 because cooldown does not decrease per level.

Fade: Not taken as it’s not needed, and the time you get sneaking is not worth the extra damage you take from wide AoE abilities. If you want to grab it, you can take it at level 1. It’s not worth maxing.

Dedicate ShadowI love this skill against Sorceresses, as using this correctly will completely negate their burst damage combo. Especially useful against Flame Road and Poison Pool, or Consecration and Moonlight Splitter.

Burning Coal: Maxed as the cooldown decreases by 10 whole seconds, which is huge in PvP, and is a very valuable i-frame.

Mortal Blow: At level 6 for the extra CTC. Very useful for extending combos and deals decent damage.

Izuna Drop: Extremely cool skill, has a ton of damage, will waste an Aerial Evasion if they do it incorrectly, as they can just get re-sucked into the skill.
The Raven Tree is exactly the same as in the PvE Section. Note you have 3 SP leftover to play around with.

This is it for my Raven Section, do give me your thoughts and insights!
Click Here for my Video Gallery for Raven gameplay videos! 
Ripper PVE Build
Assassin Skill Tree
This would be the most efficient way to skill your Assassin branch.

Fan Of Edge: This skill is a must max, the board damage is Per Shuriken and it IS possible to get full hits, meaning all 6 stars hitting for a grand total of 2856% + 208788 damage.

Fake Log: Now some people might not like that I left it at level 2, but I really have not have a situation where a higher level was required.

Mind Conquer: This is for those who might not have enough gears to warrant level one. I personally left mine at one. Since the release of Bringers and the new nests giving out mana food and healing made mana regen not as important as before.

Everything else is as expected of a Base job tree.
Chaser Skill Tree (2 types)
I have two builds for Rippers, once includes applause, the other being Pure Ripper.
With Lv16 applause
Pure Ripper
While Applause build brings higher damage in PVE, some assassins will prefer a pure build.
Applause: Though we can’t increase it’s power with Elemental Attack, it’s still an extremely powerful skill with a quick cast. Learn how to get the double hit to maximize damage potential. Get a Damage plate for this.

Shift Blow: With the Ex version, the punches get a tiny bit slower, with one big one at the end. Remember that the majority of the damage is still in the punches before the big one. This is left at level 6 to make room for Applause. It still has quite decent damage. You do not need an Action speed plate for PvE, You can simply use the right-click cancel when you start charging up the big punch and get the same damage, for much less time consumed.
Flame Locust: Your Bread and Butter, at level 6, 11, and 16 the cooldown decreases by 2 seconds, bringing it down to 6 seconds. Use this on cooldown to maximize it’s damage. Remember that the majority of the damage is still in the first two kicks, and not the EX explosion.

Blade Runner: Taken at level 6 because I enjoy the skill, and the damage is not bad. If you find trouble landing it you can simply leave this at level 1 and get more points in Shift Blow or Mortal Blow.

Mortal Blow: I left this skill at 11, because I do not have a skill accessory for it. If you plan to get it, then take points away from Blade RunnerThe first hit of this skill has a 0.2 coefficient, with the slam being 0.8, You can choose to spam all three and get all the slams immediately, or move a bit and cast it again to get both hits. It still bursts very hard either way.

Izuna Drop: Signature skill of Rippers. Extremely high damage, part of your Fade combo. Landing this is very important to your DPS. Get a Damage plate for this.

Crippling Punisher: Underwhelming ultimate, if you can get a full cast of this then the damage is still on par withThe End. I use it mostly when Izuna Drop and Artful Chaser are on cooldown, as a continuous DPS skill. The Action speed is useful. Pressing right click while this buff is on will give you a high speed dash that has Invincibility frames.

Fade: A massive steroid, it’s cooldown is the same as Artful Chaser so cast it every time beforehand to achieve a massive burst.

Receive EdgeA useful extra aerial evade.

Illusion Step: Activated by pressing the spacebar while tumbling. A useful iframe extender. Left at level 1.

Burning Coal: Your “Oh-****” Button, very useful for when you’re caught casting skills and need a quick iframe. Level one will suffice.

Access Chain: Mobility skill, level 1 is enough.

Dedicate Crow: This is your party skill. It works exactly like a Dancer’s Ecstatic Dance Part 2 but in reverse; When the boss is 100% health, your entire party will get 60% increased damage. The buffed damage decreases the lower health the boss is, and stops giving extra damage completely when the boss is at 30% health.
Ripper Skill Tree
Finally, the Ripper Branch!

Arsonist: This wonderful buff increases your fire attack by 20%, and fire resist by 30%. Get a Cooldown Reduction Plate for this. Getting cooldown reduction instead of duration increase will give you 100% uptime on the buff.

Artful Chaser: This skill is so devastating. It is ridiculous how strong it is. The drawback is it’s long casting time. Make sure to use this when you’re under Fade for maximum damage. Get an Action Speed Plate for this.
Ripper PVP Build
Assassin Skill Tree
Same as Raven PVP Build for explanations but I’ll paste the same info here in case some of you simply skipped to this section.
Piercing Star: I have this at level 11 for the triple cast CTC, near infinite horizontal range and can stagger when you land it, follow it up with another star and you got yourself a knockdown that you can initiate on!

Fan of Edge: Decidedly less useful than in PvE, as the only time you can ever get full hits is if a Mercernary decides to stand still with Iron Skin while you stand right on top of them to cast it.

Triple Edge: A good skill to delay wake attacks, and follow up on knockdowns by Piercing star as you advance forward.

Shadow Hand: A good alternative for initiating from range, it actually has longer range than Piercing star, it has the same SA breaking capabilities as Spirit Blow from Kalis, or Circle Break from Warriors.

Evades are all maxed as per usual for a PvP build, and Mana regen for comp on and ladder.
Chaser Skill Tree
Illusion Step: Left at level 1 because cooldown does not decrease per level.

Fade: Not taken as it’s not needed, and the time you get sneaking is not worth the extra damage you take from wide AoE abilities. If you want to grab it, you can take it at level 1. It’s not worth maxing.

Shift Blow: Extremely high SA break, and very good damage if you know how to land all the hits last hit has more SA break than an individual hit, so you can cancel it for a quick cancel if you’re sure you can break the enemy SA using it. For example against Illusion Strike, you can cancel it quick before they turn towards you and break yours.

Flame Locust: Left at level 1 because cooldown does not decrease at every damage spike, and damage is not that great. Still a very strong skill for combo chaining.

Blade Runner: A really good skill in PvP, knocks up the opponent after flinching them, near instant cast, very hard to react to, with the EX version it has a secondary explosion that can recatch an opponent if they Aerial Evade incorrectly. You can take this to level 11 if you choose to leave Rain Drop at level 1.

Mortal Blow: Level 11 for the CTC, damage is very high and has high combo chaining potential.

Applause: Taken because its still a very strong skill, allowing you ranged SA break and it has very quick cast, left at 11 for the Damage spike. You can choose to take this to 16 if you choose to leave Rain Drop at level 1.

RakeLeft at level 1 because it’s good for burst and for recatching running opponents.

PunishmentAt 11, because the damage is still high, and you would use it often for a ranged catch.

Izuna Drop: Your signature skill, note that the EX version has a bigger explosion, so the opponent will bounce quite abit higher than the non-ex version, enough time for you to buff Crippling Punisher immediately afterwards and continue chaining with all hits of it.
Ripper Skill Tree
Arsonist: I leave it at level 1 because I find 10% extra fire to be negligible except in very specific cases.

Note that you have 3 SP to play around with.


This is it for my Ripper Section! Do give me your thoughts and insights!

Click Here for my Video Gallery for Ripper gameplay videos! 
Equipment Section

First let’s go over Assassin P. Atk gains:

1 Str = .380

1 Agi = .375

Now some people might say, “Strength has higher gains so we should use Bear Jades right?” 


1 Agi also gives 3.5 Crit, which makes it vastly superior to Str, simply because the gains are not even that different.

So stack focus on Agility more than Strength.
Now for the various equipment that we have at Level 70 cap.

Full Moon
New Moon
Desert Dragon Legendary Grade

Let’s take a look at their set bonuses.

First up is Full Moon!
This set gives a decent amount of FD, asmall amount of crit and a sizable Attack power bonus.
Nest up is New Moon!
The New Moon Set sacrifices some FD for more Critical, while keeping the same Attack power bonus.

Last up is are the Desert Dragon Legendary Grade Equipment.
FD, Critcal, Attack power, and Strength. The power of these Legendary Grade Pieces is that they have incredible stat increases when enhanced, and also other stat bonuses, for Assassins it gives Strength.

At 70 cap however, it is not worth aiming for any of the armor pieces, as despite being Legendary Grade they still have the same Defence as level 60 equipment. The only pieces you should aim for, if you decide to, would be getting both weapons, for the incredible P.atk increase as well as the FD bonus.
As you can see, unlike other classes, our Full Moon and New moon are both P.atk based, because every sub-class of the Assassin is Physical-based. This allows us to mix and match the sets for some pretty cool bonuses.

If you are able to hit the crit cap easily, You can simply go Full Moon since you don’t need the crit as much.

It works vice-versa as well, if you have trouble hitting the crit cap, you can go New Moon for the extra crit bonus!

Some good mix and match combinations are Two Full Moon and Five New Moon, this will give you more FD than if you went pure, but also lower P.atk bonuses while keeping the Crit increases from New Moon.

Alternatively you can go Three Full Moon and Four New Moon, this combination is the strongest one without factoring in Legendaries. It will give you a high amount of FD, while retaining the Patk increases as if you went with a full set of either one, losing only on some health and crit.

The last set would be Five Full Moon and Two Legendary Grade Weapon this is the best set you can get, without including the elusive Crescent Moon FD set which I won’t talk about here, due to it’s rarity. This set gives the highest FD you can get from armors and weapons as well as the highest P.atk increases.

Accessories also play a huge role, however I will refrain from  doing much on this section until level 70 Accessories are released. For now I will only work on the 60 Accessories we have.

At the moment, we have a choice of Skill Accessories., or DDN unique and Legendary grade Accessories.

Skill Accessories for Ravens:

I won’t list all the options, simply the ones that would make most sense to get.

Necklace: Crows Dead Fall +1

Earrings: Rain Drop +1 OR Dedicate Crow +1 (If you decided to leave Rain Drop at Level 11, then take theDedicate Crow Skill Earrings, if you have it at 15, then take Rain Drop.)
Rings: Applause +1 or Punishment +1 or Rake +1 or Open Edge +1 (In the future, there might be a +1 plate releasing, in which case it might be possible to get Open Edge to level 21.)
Skill Accessories for Rippers:
Same thing as for Ravens, will only list the ones that make more sense.

Necklace: Arsonist +1
Earrings: Mortal Blow +1 OR Dedicate Crow +1 (If you decided to leave Mortal Blow at Level 11, then takeDedicate Crow Skill Earrings, if you have it at 15, then take Mortal Blow.)
Rings: Artful Chaser +1 and Izuna Drop +1 (These two are your DPS, they offer much more then any other skill ring in terms of damage increases.)
DDN Unique Rings

The lure of these rings is that they give 2.8% patk as well as an 8% Elemental attack increase. Be sure to take the p.atk version of these, and not the matk or the hybrid.

DDN Legendary Rings

These would be the rings of choice if you can afford them. They give a ton of Patk, as well as 4.88% p.atk increase in the potential and several other stat % increase. Be sure to take the P.atk version of these, and not the M.atk or the hybrid.
Tough Accessories:

These benefit Ravens only, as they give alot of Dark attack at the cost of losing 70 Accessory stats. They do not drop anymore in Sea, and can only be bought by those who already have it. If you have these, I suggest you use them. 
Recommendation for Ravens:

Assuming you do not have Tough Earring or Necklace, I recommend getting a Skill Necklace and Earring, and DDN Unique Grade rings, or if you can afford them, DDN Legendary Grade rings.

For Skill accessories, try to aim for the 350 P.atk and 3.5% Light/Dark Attack Option!
Recommendation for Rippers:

Now Rippers don’t have the option of Tough Accessories, instead, they can try to get % Fire option on their Skill Necklace and Earrings, which can easily bring them up to 80% fire attack with Arsonist, like Raven I recommend getting the DDN Rings.
The option would include Vit and 3.5% Ice/Fire Attack!
Plate options are pretty standard with a DPS class:

Destruction, Wind, Bear, Life Vitality, Health, Iron Wall, Tent, Fatal

The reason why Fatal is Underlined, is because an Assassin can achieve the crit cap without the use of a Fatal Plate, so you may choose to leave it out for something like a trash plate that has a 3rd stat that’d be more useful.
3rd Stat Plate Options:
In order of power: Final Damage > Attack Power > Agility > Bear

As a Chaser you want to squeeze out a lot of damage, so offensive stats with your plates are what you should aim for. 

Agility and Bear are interchangeable, however if you’re missing out on some crit, take Agility obviously.
Armor can slot two Blue Jades.
Weapons can slot one Blue Jade, and one Red Jade

Rings can slot one Red Jade each.
Necklaces and Earrings can each slot one Blue Jade.


Ideally you should go High grade Wind Jades, and High Grade Life Vitality Jades for your armors. There have been many people going Wind Jades and Bear Jades, but you can refer to this thread on why this might be a bad idea.

A worthy alternative would be High Grade Wind Jades with Vitality 3rd stat, and High Grade Strength Jades with Vitality 3rd stat, however I have no tested this yet, but you should be left with 450k health and around a 3-4k Increase, assuming +8 armors.
Assuming you do not have Legendary Grade Weapons, you should get a High Grade Wind Jade, and High Grade Dark Attack Jade for Ravens, with Rippers obviously going for a High Grade Fire Attack Jade.
Again, use the elemental attack jade of your respective class for these.
Necklace and Earring:
Here you can choose to increase your damage further by using Wind Jades, or get more survivability with Life Vitality Jades.
Skill Jades
Skill jades are what replaces Suffix effects, in the new Jade System, we have 1 slot for each weapon, and armor piece. Weapon skill jades have a different slot shape then Armor skill jades, so you can only put Offensive Jades on Weapons, and Defensive jades on Armors.
Offensive Jades have a 10 second duration, and a 60 second cooldown, they can also stack, but only by one person at a time. You cannot, for example, have 5 people running Ghost Town Jades, and reduce 50% Dark Resist. You can however, run two Ghost town jades, and reduce 10% Dark Resist.
Defensive Jades have a 5 second duration, and a 30 second cooldown, they too can stack, able to heal you for 15-17k health when you get hit, which is a pretty sizeable amount. Note that in PvP, Defensive Jades will recover 157 mana per jade, instead of heal you.
In PvP, all Jades have the same cooldown and duration, but half the effect.
Bolded and Underlined Options are highly recommended ones.
Recommended options:
  • Ghost Town Skill Jade: -5% Dark Resist
  • Raider Skill Jade: -7% Physical defence
  • Resistance Skill Jade: Recover 3588 Health, Increase Physical and Magical Defence by 10%
  • Adamantium Skill Jade: Recover 3588 Health, Increase Physical Defence by 20%
  • Swift Skill Jade: Recovery 3588, Increase Movement Speed by 10%
  • Welton Hollow Skill Jade: -5% Fire Resist
  • Raider Skill Jade: -7% Physical defence
  • Resistance Skill Jade: Recover 3588 Health, Increase Physical and Magical Defence by 10%
  • Adamantium Skill Jade: Recover 3588 Health, Increase Physical Defence by 20%
  • Swift Skill Jade: Recovery 3588, Increase Movement Speed by 10%
I felt that the Jade that increases Magic Defence by 20% was unneeded, as Assassin Armor has high Magic Defence naturally.
That’s it for the guide, if you have any comment or feedback feel free to do so !
A big thank you to NoxNin/Ninjavz for the sharing of his guide!
Everyone should definitely check some of his videos out as he actually job changes between Raven/Ripper just to bring you guys the videos and to try out both classes at the same time to give you guys the first-hand information of the 2 classes in this guide!
I hope this guide has been helpful to fellow Assassins out there!
Also, for those who are still unaware, I’ve been live streaming 6/7 days every week at 7PM GMT+8 (or 1PM CET) at http://www.twitch.tv/tegaming
There’s a 5SGD worth Lucky giveaway raffle that is conducted on every stream towards the end!
You can also ask me any pertinent questions during the stream via the twitch chat!
Here’s a general idea of the Schedule:
Monday: Desert Dragon Normal & Hardcore
Tuesday: Guardian & Mist Nest Runs
Wednesday: 16-Man Defense of Saint Haven, Anu Arendel Ordeal Nest Runs
Thursday: PVP Ladder Series, Showmatch, Mini-PVP Tournament
Friday: 16-Man Defense of Saint Haven, Crafting of Lv70 Rare Plates
Saturday: 16-Man Defense of Saint Haven, Guardian/Mist Nest or Rest Day (Future PVP Tournament Reserved Day)
Sunday: 16-Man Defense of Saint Haven or Rest Day (Future PVP Tournament Reserved Day)
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